Amiga Plus 2004 #2
Amiga Plus CD - 2004 - No. 02.iso
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; screen draw - the next generation edition ;)
; what are the main differences between this and the older
; generation screen_draw_x.S? here they come...
; all the things are rendered directly into chip ram.
; no memory areas are allocated for masking or something
; like that. here's the dimensions for the chip ram area:
; 16+160+16 = 192 (32 bit) pixels wide and
; 16+144+16 = 176 (16 bit) pixels height planar data area.
; first the background is copied to the chip area.
; start x = 8, start y = 16.
; then comes the h/w window.
; start x = 8, start y = 16 (remember to add the scroll pixels!).
; then come the sprites.
; start x = 0, start y = 0 (remember to add the scroll pixels!).
screen_draw: tst.b old_render ;aga?
beq.w aga_screen_draw ;yes.
move.l a2,a6 ;a6 = the fixed 16bit
add.l #$ff40,a6 ;a6 = lcd control.
moveq.l #0,d7
move.b (a6),d7 ;d7 = lcd control byte.
btst #7,d7 ;lcd operation?
beq.s no_screen_draw ;no. clear and quit.
move.l d7,lcd_control ;store the byte.
bsr.w push_z80
bsr.w screen_draw_bg ;do the background copy.
bsr.w screen_draw_wi ;do the window copy.
bsr.w screen_sprites ;do them!
bsr.w swap_lists_nor ;swap the sprite y lists.
bsr.w screen_draw_pl ;all h/w effects are done!
bsr.w update_bg_pal ;output the palette.
bsr.w pull_z80
no_screen_draw: rts ;exit.
; empty screen
screen_empty: tst.b old_render ;aga?
beq.s aga_empty ;yes.
move.l bitmap_spc,a0
move.l bitmap_bg,a1
moveq.l #0,d1
tst.b old_refresh ;mode 144/144?
bne.s e_normal ;no.
move.w #160/32*144*2-1,d0 ;yes.
bra.s empty_all
e_normal: move.w #gb_screen_x/32*gb_screen_y*2-1,d0
empty_all: move.l d1,(a0)+
move.l d1,(a1)+
dbra d0,empty_all
aga_empty: move.l aga_map_I,a0
move.l aga_map_II,a1
move.w #40*256*8/4/4-1,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
aga_empty_all: move.l d1,(a0)+
move.l d1,(a0)+
move.l d1,(a0)+
move.l d1,(a0)+
move.l d1,(a1)+
move.l d1,(a1)+
move.l d1,(a1)+
move.l d1,(a1)+
dbra d0,aga_empty_all
; swap the speedup buffers
swap_lists_nor: cmp.b #2,old_render ;window?
beq.s sprs_xx_done ;yes. no buffer changes.
move.l aga_sprs_inactive,d7
cmp.l aga_sprs_cI,d7
beq.s sprs_II_in_nor
sprs_I_in_nor: move.l aga_sprs_cI,aga_sprs_inactive
move.l aga_sprs_cxI,aga_sprs_inactive_x
sprs_xx_done: rts
sprs_II_in_nor: move.l aga_sprs_cII,aga_sprs_inactive
move.l aga_sprs_cxII,aga_sprs_inactive_x
; recreate and update the background palette
update_bg_pal: tst.b old_render ;window/screen?
beq.w no_upd_col ;nope
move.l gb_memory,a0
add.l #$ff47,a0 ;bgrdpal (background palette).
moveq.l #0,d0
move.b (a0),d0 ;d0 = palette byte.
cmp.b #2,old_render
beq.w window_colour_update
lea gb_pale,a1 ;a1 = output palette.
lea gameboy_colours,a2
tst.l cartridge
bne.s update_bg_ok
move.b #%11100100,d0 ;default palette position.
update_bg_ok: moveq.l #4-1,d7
update_bg_clx: move.l d0,d1
and.b #%11,d1 ;colour (0-3).
move.l (a2,d1.l*4),d1
move.l d1,d2
clr.w d1
lsl.l #8,d1
move.l d1,(a1)+
move.l d2,d1
and.l #$0000ff00,d1
swap d1
move.l d1,(a1)+
and.l #$000000ff,d2
ror.l #8,d2
move.l d2,(a1)+ ;colour (0-3) loaded.
lsr.b #2,d0
dbra d7,update_bg_clx
add.l #4*4,a2 ;to sprite palette.
moveq.l #4-1,d0
move_spr_clrs: move.l (a2)+,d1
move.l d1,d2
move.l d1,d3
clr.w d1
lsl.l #8,d1
move.l d1,(a1)+
and.l #$0000ff00,d2
swap d2
move.l d2,(a1)+
and.l #$000000ff,d3
ror.l #8,d3
move.l d3,(a1)+ ;colour (0-3) loaded.
move.l d1,(a1)+
move.l d2,(a1)+
move.l d3,(a1)+
move.l d1,(a1)+
move.l d2,(a1)+
move.l d3,(a1)+
dbra d0,move_spr_clrs
move.l gb_screen_ptr,d0 ;the screen.
beq.s no_upd_col
move.l graphics_base,a6
move.l d0,a0
lea sc_ViewPort(a0),a0 ;the view port.
lea gb_pal,a1 ;the background palette.
jsr LoadRGB32(a6) ;load in the new colours.
no_upd_col: rts ;exit the palette part.
; update window "palette"
move.b back_ground_colour_byte,d5
cmp.b d5,d0
beq.s window_colour_update_exit
move.b d0,back_ground_colour_byte
eor.b d0,d5
lea pen_list,a2
lea gameboy_colours_conversion_table,a1
moveq.l #4-1,d7
move.l d0,d1
and.b #%11,d1
move.b (a2,d1.l),(a1)+
lsr.b #2,d0
dbra d7,update_window_clx
lea gameboy_colours_conversion_table,a0
move.l pen_conversion_table,a1
moveq.l #0,d3
moveq.l #0,d7
move.b d5,d0
and.b #%11,d0
beq.s no_colour_change_0
bsr.b do_conversion_table_x
move.b d5,d0
and.b #%1100,d0
beq.s no_colour_change_1
move.b #1,d7
bsr.b do_conversion_table_x
move.b d5,d0
and.b #%110000,d0
beq.s no_colour_change_2
move.b #2,d7
bsr.b do_conversion_table_x
move.b d5,d0
and.b #%11000000,d0
beq.s window_colour_update_exit
move.b #3,d7
bsr.b do_conversion_table_x
move.b (a0,d7.l),d4
moveq.l #16-1,d1
move.b d7,d6
lsl.w #8,d4
lsl.w #8,d6
lea 16(a0),a2
move.w d4,d2
move.w d6,d3
move.b -(a2),d2
move.b d1,d3
move.w d2,(a1,d3.l*2)
ror.w #8,d2
ror.w #8,d3
move.w d2,(a1,d3.l*2)
dbra d1,do_conversion_table_copy_x
; execute the background copying
screen_draw_bg: move.l d7,d0 ;d0 = lcd control byte.
btst #0,d0 ;background display?
beq.w no_upd_col ;no. quit.
move.l a2,a1
add.l #$ff42,a1 ;a1 = lcd control.
moveq.l #0,d2
move.b (a1)+,d2 ;d2 = bg scroll y.
moveq.l #0,d3
move.b (a1),d3 ;d3 = bg scroll x.
move.l d0,d1 ;d1 = the control byte.
and.b #%1000,d0 ;d0 = background tiles.
lsl.w #7,d0 ;0/1 * 1024.
move.l a2,a1
add.l #$9800,a1 ;tile position.
add.l d0,a1 ;selected position.
;a1 = input tiles.
and.b #%10000,d1 ;d1 = background tile
move.l d1,d7 ;datas. 0/1 * 2048.
lsl.b #3,d1 ;d7 = tile adder (signed/
bchg #7,d1 ;unsigned).
move.l d1,tile_adder
lsl.w #7,d7
add.l #$8800,a2 ;tile data position.
sub.l d7,a2 ;selected position.
;a2 = input tile datas.
move.l a2,gb_tiles
; copy background data
; d1 = tile adder.
; d2 = background scroll y.
; d3 = background scroll x.
; a1 = tiles.
; a2 = tile datas.
; output plane information: 192x176 (+4, +4). background tiles
; will be positioned starting at +1, +2.
move.l d2,d4
move.l d3,d5
lsr.b #3,d2 ;d2 = number of rows
;to be skipped.
lsl.w #5,d2 ;d2 = d2 * 32 (start y).
lsr.b #3,d3 ;d3 = x start.
and.b #%111,d5 ;d5 = x pixel scroll (0-7).
and.b #%111,d4 ;d4 = y pixel scroll (0-7).
move.l d5,bg_scroll_x ;store the scroll values.
move.l d4,bg_scroll_y
move.l bitmap_bg,a0 ;a0 = p0.
add.l #(192/8)*16,a0 ;output position fix.
lea 4224(a0),a3 ;a3 = p1.
; copy 176x8 lines
; d2 = (background start y) / 8 * 32.
; d3 = (background start x) / 8.
; a0 = output (p0).
; a1 = tiles.
; a2 = tile datas.
; a3 = output (p1).
moveq.l #19-1,d0
qdo_16x8_cdata: move.l d2,d7
or.b d3,d7
move.l d1,d4
add.b (a1,d7.l),d4
lsl.w #4,d4
lea (a2,d4.l),a4
moveq.l #8-1,d4
so_16x8_cdata: move.w (a4)+,d5
move.w d5,d6
lsr.w #8,d6
move.w d5,(a3)
move.w d6,(a0)
add.l #192/8,a3
add.l #192/8,a0
dbra d4,so_16x8_cdata
add.w #32,d2
and.w #$3ff,d2
dbra d0,qdo_16x8_cdata
sub.l #((192/8)*8*19)-2,a0
sub.l #((192/8)*8*19)-2,a3
addq.b #1,d3
and.b #$1f,d3
sub.w #19*32,d2
and.w #$3ff,d2
; sweeper core
move.l #10,x_counter
zdo_16x8_cdata: moveq.l #19-1,d0
xdo_16x8_cdata: move.l d2,d7
or.b d3,d7
move.l d1,d4
add.b (a1,d7.l),d4
lsl.w #4,d4
addq.b #1,d3
lea (a2,d4.l),a4
and.b #$1f,d3
move.l d2,d7
or.b d3,d7
move.l d1,d4
add.b (a1,d7.l),d4
lsl.w #4,d4
subq.b #1,d3
lea (a2,d4.l),a5
and.b #$1f,d3
moveq.l #8-1,d4
do_16x8_cdata: move.w (a4)+,d5
move.b d5,d6
lsl.w #8,d6
move.w (a5)+,d7
move.b d7,d6
lsr.w #8,d7
move.b d7,d5
move.w d6,(a3)
move.w d5,(a0)
add.l #192/8,a3
add.l #192/8,a0
dbra d4,do_16x8_cdata
add.w #32,d2
and.w #$3ff,d2
dbra d0,xdo_16x8_cdata
sub.l #((192/8)*8*19)-2,a0
sub.l #((192/8)*8*19)-2,a3
addq.b #2,d3
and.b #$1f,d3
sub.w #19*32,d2
and.w #$3ff,d2
subq.l #1,x_counter
bne.s zdo_16x8_cdata
xit_cdata: rts
; do the window
screen_draw_wi: move.l lcd_control,d0 ;d0 = lcd control byte.
btst #5,d0 ;window display?
beq.s xit_cdata ;nope.
btst #0,d0
beq.s xit_cdata
move.l gb_memory,a0
move.l a0,a2
add.l #$9800,a0 ;window tiles.
and.b #%1000000,d0 ;d0 = tile position.
lsl.w #4,d0 ;d0 = 0/1 * 1024.
add.l d0,a0 ;a0 = window tiles.
move.l gb_tiles,a1
add.l #$ff4a,a2 ;a2 = window y position.
moveq.l #0,d0
move.b (a2)+,d0 ;d0 = window y pos ($ff4A).
moveq.l #0,d1
move.b (a2),d1 ;d1 = window x pos ($ff4B).
cmp.b #6,d1
bne.s win_win_no_no
addq.l #1,d1
; a0 = window tiles.
; a1 = window tile pattern table.
; d0 = window y position.
; d1 = window x position.
win_win_no_no: move.l d0,d6 ;d6 = window y position.
move.l d1,d7 ;d7 = window x position.
lsr.l #3,d6 ;d6 = y in bytes.
lsr.l #3,d7 ;d7 = x in bytes.
add.l bg_scroll_y,d0
add.l #16,d0 ;h/w window y position fix!
move.w d0,d2
lsl.w #3,d2
lsl.w #4,d0
add.w d2,d0 ;d0 = d0 * (192/8).
add.l bg_scroll_x,d1 ;d1 = x scroll.
move.l d1,d2
lsr.l #3,d2 ;x = bytes.
add.l d2,d0 ;d0 = x and y fixed.
move.l d0,a2
add.l bitmap_bg,a2 ;a2 = output area (p0).
and.l #%111,d1 ;d1 = the inverted shift amount.
eor.b #%111,d1 ;d1 = the shift amount.
lea 4224(a2),a3 ;a3 = output area (p1).
; a non transparent h/w window emulator
; d0 = x and y added for the start position.
; d1 = the shift amount.
; d6 = window y position.
; d7 = window x position.
; a0 = window tiles.
; a1 = window tile pattern table.
; a2 = output area (p0).
; a3 = (p1).
subq.l #1,d7 ;window x correction (h/w).
move.l d7,tile_adder_x
neg.l d7 ;compute the difference.
sub.l #160/8,tile_adder_x
add.l #32,tile_adder_x
add.l #160/8-1,d7
blt.w screen_draw_wxt ;too much right.
move.l d7,win_x
neg.l d6 ;compute the difference.
add.l #144/8-1,d6
blt.w screen_draw_wxt ;too much down.
move.w #$ff00,d4 ;solid mask.
rol.w d1,d4 ;mask shifted.
window_loop_y: move.l win_x,d7 ;d7 = x-1.
copy_8x8: move.l tile_adder,d5 ;signum fix.
add.b (a0)+,d5 ;d5 = left up tile.
lsl.w #4,d5 ;d5 = d5 * 16.
lea (a1,d5.l),a6 ;a6 = tile data.
moveq.l #8-1,d5
copy_8x8_data: moveq.l #0,d3
move.w (a6)+,d2 ;d2 = L01.
move.b d2,d3 ;d3 = xxL1.
and.w d4,(a2)
lsr.w #8,d2 ;d2 = xxL0.
and.w d4,(a3) ;background masked.
lsl.w d1,d2 ;p0 shifted.
or.w d2,(a2) ;p0 done.
lsl.w d1,d3 ;p1 shifted.
add.l #192/8,a2 ;next y (screen).
or.w d3,(a3) ;p1 done.
add.l #192/8,a3 ; .
dbra d5,copy_8x8_data ;next y (register).
sub.l #(8*192/8)-1,a2 ;next x position.
sub.l #(8*192/8)-1,a3 ; .
sub.l #(8*192/8)-1,a4 ; .
sub.l #(8*192/8)-1,a5 ; .
dbra d7,copy_8x8 ;do next 8x8.
add.l #192/8*8,d0 ;next 192x8 line.
move.l d0,a2
add.l bitmap_bg,a2 ;a2 = output area (p0).
lea 4224(a2),a3 ;a3 = output area (p1).
add.l tile_adder_x,a0 ;update input position.
dbra d6,window_loop_y ;next y.
; do the sprites
screen_sprites: move.l bitmap_spc,a0 ;the sprite area.
move.l a0,a1
add.l #gb_screen_x/8*gb_screen_y,a1
fast_clearing: move.l aga_sprs_inactive,a2
move.w #gb_screen_y-1,d0
move.l #gb_screen_x/8,d2
spr_scnr_empty: tst.b (a2)
bne.s clear_me
add.l d2,a0
addq.l #1,a2
add.l d2,a1
dbra d0,spr_scnr_empty
bra.s lines_done
clear_me: clr.b (a2)+
moveq.l #gb_screen_x/8/4-1,d1
clear_us: clr.l (a0)+
clr.l (a1)+
dbra d1,clear_us
dbra d0,spr_scnr_empty
lines_done: move.l lcd_control,d1 ;d1 = lcd control byte.
btst #1,d1 ;sprites off?
beq.w spr_exit ;yes.
move.l gb_memory,a0
move.l a0,a1
move.l a0,a2
add.l #$fe00+40*4,a0 ;a0 = sprite attribute table.
add.l #$8000,a1 ;a1 = sprite pattern table.
add.l #$ff48,a2 ;a2 = obj0pal.B, obj1pal.B.
moveq.l #40-1,d0 ;d0 = number of sprites.
btst #2,d1 ;sprite size?
bne.w spr_n8x16 ;8x16.
spr_n8x8: move.l #8-1,sprite_y
move.l #8/4-1,sprite_sign
move.b #$ff,sprite_mask
bra.s spr_c8xq ;do the copying.
spr_n8x16: move.l #16-1,sprite_y
move.l #16/4-1,sprite_sign
move.b #$fe,sprite_mask
; sprite size 8xq, q=8/16.
; d0 = number of sprites.
; a0 = sprite attribute table.
; a1 = sprite pattern table.
; a2 = obj0pal.B, obj1pal.B.
spr_c8xq: move.l -(a0),d1 ;d1 = y.B, x.B, gfx.B, flags.B.
move.l d1,d2
swap d2
tst.b d2
beq.w empty_sprite
lsr.w #8,d2
beq.w empty_sprite
spr_xcute: swap d1 ;d1 = gfx.B, flags.B, y.B, x.B.
move.l bg_scroll_x,d2 ;x start (bg scroll pixels).
add.b d1,d2 ;d2 = x.B.
cmp.w #8+160+8,d2 ;out of vision?
bge.w spr_xit ;yes.
move.l bg_scroll_y,d3 ;y start (bg scroll pixels).
ror.w #8,d1 ;d1 = gfx.B, flags.B, x.B, y.B.
add.b d1,d3 ;d3 = y.B.
cmp.w #16+144+8,d3 ;out of vision?
bge.w spr_xit ;yes.
move.l aga_sprs_inactive,a6 ;set the marks for clearing.
add.l d3,a6
move.l sprite_sign,d4
mark_loop: move.l #$01010101,(a6)+
dbra d4,mark_loop
move.l sprite_y,d7 ;d7 = y-1.
move.w d3,d6
lsl.w #3,d6
lsl.w #4,d3
add.w d6,d3 ;d3 = y on screen.
;(d3 = d3 * 192/8).
move.l d2,d4 ;d4 = x.B.
lsr.w #3,d4 ;d4 = x.B / 8.
add.l d4,d3 ;d3 = y and x fixed.
move.l bitmap_spc,a4
move.l bitmap_bg,a5
and.b #%111,d2 ;d2 = bit skip (0-7).
add.l d3,a4 ;a4 = output spr (p0).
add.l d3,a5 ;a5 = output bg (p0).
rol.l #8,d1 ;d1 = flags.B, x.B, y.B, gfx.B.
and.b sprite_mask,d1
move.b d1,d4 ;d4 = gfx.B.
lsl.w #4,d4 ;d4 = d4 * 16.
lea (a1,d4.l),a6 ;a6 = pattern data.
rol.l #8,d1 ;d1 = x.B, y.B, gfx.B, flags.B.
moveq.l #0,d3
move.b d1,d3
and.b #%10000,d3 ;palette bit.
lsr.b #4,d3 ;take it down.
ror.l #8,d1 ;d1 = flags.B, x.B, y.B, gfx.B.
move.b (a2,d3.l),d1 ;d1 = flags.B, x.B, y.B, pal.B.
rol.l #8,d1 ;d1 = x.B, y.B, pal.B, flags.B.
btst #6,d1 ;y flipped?
bne.w spr_c8xq_flip ;yes.
btst #5,d1 ;x flipped?
bne.s spr_c8xq_copyx ;yes.
; normal output
lsr.w #8,d1 ;d1 = pal.B.
spr_c8xq_copy: move.w (a6)+,d3 ;d3 = 01.
beq.w next_I
bsr.w spr_col_change ;real colours.
move.b d3,d4 ;d4 = 01.
clr.b d3 ;d3 = 0x.
lsr.w d2,d3 ;bits skipped.
lsl.w #8,d4 ;d4 = 1x.
lsr.w d2,d4 ;bits skipped.
ror.w d2,d6 ;d6 = and mask.
and.w d6,(a4) ;mask p0.
or.w d3,(a4)
add.l #4224,a4
and.w d6,(a4) ;mask p1.
or.w d4,(a4)
sub.l #4224-(192/8),a4 ;next y.
swap d6 ;adder down.
swap d5 ;mask down.
ror.w d2,d6 ;adder bits skipped.
ror.w d2,d5 ;and mask bits skipped.
and.w d5,(a5)
or.w d6,(a5)
add.l #4224,a5
and.w d5,(a5)
or.w d6,(a5)
sub.l #4224-(192/8),a5
dbra d7,spr_c8xq_copy ;next y (register).
spr_xit: dbra d0,spr_c8xq ;next sprite.
spr_exit: rts
next_I: add.l #192/8,a4
add.l #192/8,a5
dbra d7,spr_c8xq_copy ;next y (register).
empty_sprite: dbra d0,spr_c8xq ;next sprite.
; x flipped output
cnop 0,4
spr_c8xq_copyx: lsr.w #8,d1 ;d1 = pal.B.
spr_c8xq_xopyx: moveq.l #0,d3
move.l x_flip_table,a3
move.w (a6)+,d3 ;d3 = 01.
beq.s next_II
move.w (a3,d3.l*2),d3 ;d3 = x flipped data.
bsr.w spr_col_change ;real colours.
move.b d3,d4 ;d4 = 01.
clr.b d3 ;d3 = 0x.
lsr.w d2,d3 ;bits skipped.
lsl.w #8,d4 ;d4 = 1x.
lsr.w d2,d4 ;bits skipped.
ror.w d2,d6 ;d6 = and mask.
and.w d6,(a4) ;mask p0.
or.w d3,(a4)
add.l #4224,a4
and.w d6,(a4) ;mask p1.
or.w d4,(a4)
sub.l #4224-(192/8),a4 ;next y.
swap d6 ;adder down.
swap d5 ;mask down.
ror.w d2,d6 ;adder bits skipped.
ror.w d2,d5 ;and mask bits skipped.
and.w d5,(a5)
or.w d6,(a5)
add.l #4224,a5
and.w d5,(a5)
or.w d6,(a5)
sub.l #4224-(192/8),a5
dbra d7,spr_c8xq_xopyx ;next y (register).
dbra d0,spr_c8xq ;next sprite.
next_II: add.l #192/8,a4
add.l #192/8,a5
dbra d7,spr_c8xq_xopyx ;next y (register).
dbra d0,spr_c8xq ;next sprite.
; y flipped output
cnop 0,4
spr_c8xq_flip: move.l d7,d4 ;d4 = y-1.
addq.b #1,d4 ;d4 = y.
lsl.b #1,d4 ;d4 = y*2.
add.l d4,a6 ;y fixed.
btst #5,d1 ;x flipped?
bne.s spr_c8xq_copyxy ;yes.
lsr.w #8,d1 ;d1 = pal.B.
spr_c8xq_copyy: move.w -(a6),d3 ;d3 = 01.
beq.s next_III
bsr.w spr_col_change ;real colours.
move.b d3,d4 ;d4 = 01.
clr.b d3 ;d3 = 0x.
lsr.w d2,d3 ;bits skipped.
lsl.w #8,d4 ;d4 = 1x.
lsr.w d2,d4 ;bits skipped.
ror.w d2,d6 ;d6 = and mask.
and.w d6,(a4) ;mask p0.
or.w d3,(a4)
add.l #4224,a4
and.w d6,(a4) ;mask p1.
or.w d4,(a4)
sub.l #4224-(192/8),a4 ;next y.
swap d6 ;adder down.
swap d5 ;mask down.
ror.w d2,d6 ;adder bits skipped.
ror.w d2,d5 ;and mask bits skipped.
and.w d5,(a5)
or.w d6,(a5)
add.l #4224,a5
and.w d5,(a5)
or.w d6,(a5)
sub.l #4224-(192/8),a5
dbra d7,spr_c8xq_copyy ;next y (register).
dbra d0,spr_c8xq ;next sprite.
next_III: add.l #192/8,a4
add.l #192/8,a5
dbra d7,spr_c8xq_copyy ;next y (register).
dbra d0,spr_c8xq ;next sprite.
; x and y flipped output
cnop 0,4
spr_c8xq_copyxy:lsr.w #8,d1 ;d1 = pal.B.
spr_c8xq_xopyxy:moveq.l #0,d3
move.l x_flip_table,a3
move.w -(a6),d3 ;d3 = 01.
beq.s next_IIII
move.w (a3,d3.l*2),d3 ;d3 = x flipped data.
bsr.b spr_col_change ;real colours.
move.b d3,d4 ;d4 = 01.
clr.b d3 ;d3 = 0x.
lsr.w d2,d3 ;bits skipped.
lsl.w #8,d4 ;d4 = 1x.
lsr.w d2,d4 ;bits skipped.
ror.w d2,d6 ;d6 = and mask.
and.w d6,(a4) ;mask p0.
or.w d3,(a4)
add.l #4224,a4
and.w d6,(a4) ;mask p1.
or.w d4,(a4)
sub.l #4224-(192/8),a4 ;next y.
swap d6 ;adder down.
swap d5 ;mask down.
ror.w d2,d6 ;adder bits skipped.
ror.w d2,d5 ;and mask bits skipped.
and.w d5,(a5)
or.w d6,(a5)
add.l #4224,a5
and.w d5,(a5)
or.w d6,(a5)
sub.l #4224-(192/8),a5
dbra d7,spr_c8xq_xopyxy ;next y (register).
dbra d0,spr_c8xq ;next sprite.
next_IIII: add.l #192/8,a4
add.l #192/8,a5
dbra d7,spr_c8xq_xopyxy ;next y (register).
dbra d0,spr_c8xq ;next sprite.
; change the sprite's colours to the real ones
; d1 = palette entries .B.
; = xxyyzzcc,
; xx = value for colour 3.
; yy = 2.
; zz = 1.
; cc = 0 (processing not required, because
; this is the tranparent colour).
; d3 = .W data (p0.B, p1.B).
; d4 = available for mutation.
; d5 = .
; d6 = .
; d3 = .W manipulated data (p0.B, p1.B).
; d5 = .W bg p0 and p1 mask, .W rubbish.
; d6 = .W bg p0 and p1 adder, .W mask.
cnop 0,4
spr_col_change: moveq.l #8-1,d4 ;this many pixels.
move.l #$00ff0000+16-1,d5 ;d5 = mask.W, bit pointer.W.
move.l #$000000ff,d6 ;d6 = adder.W, mask.W.
spr_col_do: btst d4,d3 ;p1 bit test.
bne.s spr_col_p0set ;it's 1!
spr_col_p0clr: btst d5,d3 ;p0 bit test.
bne.s spr_col_01 ;it's 1!
spr_col_00: bset d5,d6 ;manipulate the mask.
swap d2
move.b d5,d2
swap d5
bset d2,d5
swap d5
swap d2
subq.b #1,d5 ;one down. do no changes.
dbra d4,spr_col_do ;next colour.
rts ;exit.
cnop 0,4
spr_col_01: btst #3,d1 ;p0 new colour.
bne.s spr_col_01_p01
spr_col_01_p00: btst #2,d1 ;p1 new colour.
bne.s spr_col_01_p001
spr_col_01_p000:bset d5,d3
bclr d4,d3
subq.b #1,d5 ;one down.
dbra d4,spr_col_do ;next colour.
rts ;exit.
spr_col_01_p001:bclr d5,d3
bset d4,d3
subq.b #1,d5 ;one down. do no changes.
dbra d4,spr_col_do ;next colour.
rts ;exit.
spr_col_01_p01: btst #2,d1 ;p1 new colour.
bne.s spr_col_01_p011
spr_col_01_p010:bset d5,d3
bset d4,d3
subq.b #1,d5 ;one down.
dbra d4,spr_col_do ;next colour.
rts ;exit.
spr_col_01_p011:bset d4,d3
bset d5,d3
swap d6
bset d5,d6 ;adder set.
swap d6
subq.b #1,d5 ;one down. do no changes.
dbra d4,spr_col_do ;next colour.
rts ;exit.
cnop 0,4
spr_col_p0set: btst d5,d3 ;p0 bit test.
bne.s spr_col_11 ;it's 1!
spr_col_10: btst #5,d1 ;p0 new colour.
bne.s spr_col_10_p01
spr_col_10_p00: btst #4,d1 ;p1 new colour.
bne.s spr_col_10_p001
spr_col_10_p000:bset d5,d3
bclr d4,d3
subq.b #1,d5 ;one down.
dbra d4,spr_col_do ;next colour.
rts ;exit.
spr_col_10_p001:bclr d5,d3
bset d4,d3
subq.b #1,d5 ;one down. do no changes.
dbra d4,spr_col_do ;next colour.
rts ;exit.
spr_col_10_p01: btst #4,d1 ;p1 new colour.
bne.s spr_col_10_p011
spr_col_10_p010:bset d5,d3
bset d4,d3
subq.b #1,d5 ;one down.
dbra d4,spr_col_do ;next colour.
rts ;exit.
spr_col_10_p011:bset d5,d3
bset d4,d3
swap d6
bset d5,d6 ;adder set.
swap d6
subq.b #1,d5 ;one down. do no changes.
dbra d4,spr_col_do ;next colour.
rts ;exit.
cnop 0,4
spr_col_11: btst #7,d1 ;p0 new colour.
bne.s spr_col_11_p01
spr_col_11_p00: btst #6,d1 ;p1 new colour.
bne.s spr_col_11_p001
spr_col_11_p000:bset d5,d3
bclr d4,d3
subq.b #1,d5 ;one down.
dbra d4,spr_col_do ;next colour.
rts ;exit.
spr_col_11_p001:bclr d5,d3
bset d4,d3
subq.b #1,d5 ;one down. do no changes.
dbra d4,spr_col_do ;next colour.
rts ;exit.
spr_col_11_p01: btst #6,d1 ;p1 new colour.
bne.s spr_col_11_p011
spr_col_11_p010:bset d5,d3
bset d4,d3
subq.b #1,d5 ;one down.
dbra d4,spr_col_do ;next colour.
rts ;exit.
spr_col_11_p011:bset d5,d3
bset d4,d3
swap d6
bset d5,d6 ;adder set.
swap d6
subq.b #1,d5 ;one down. do no changes.
dbra d4,spr_col_do ;next colour.
rts ;exit.
; output the created view
screen_draw_pl: cmp.b #1,old_render ;render mode?
beq.w screen_screen ;screen!
bsr.b read_pixels_and_scale
bra.w output_the_data
; read pixels and scale the data if scaling is needed
moveq.l #0,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
move.l #159,d2
move.l #143,d3
tst.b old_refresh ;mode 144/144?
beq.s no_shifting ;yes.
shifted_blit: move.l #8,d4 ;area x fix.
move.l #16,d5 ;area y fix.
add.l bg_scroll_x,d4 ;src x.
add.l bg_scroll_y,d5 ;src y.
add.l d4,d0
add.l d4,d2
add.l d5,d1
add.l d5,d3
no_shifting: cmp.b #1,old_render
bne.s no_cyber_screen_read
move.l game_tmp_rast_port,a1
move.l gb_rport_I,a0
bra.s read_pixels_a_lot
move.l game_rast_port,a0
move.l game_tmp_rast_port,a1
move.l graphics_base,a6
move.l game_array,a2
jsr ReadPixelArray8(a6)
; scaling
cmp.b #1,old_render ;render mode?
beq.w cyber_screen_data_exit ;screen!
tst.b scaling_status
beq.w no_data_scaling
move.l game_array,a0
move.l game_scale_array,a1
move.l wzonka_game_x,d0
move.l wzonka_game_y,d1
cmp.w #320,d0
beq.w scaling_320xb
bsr.w convert_array_pens
; scaling (a x b)
scaling_axb: move.l #160*256,d2
move.l #144*256,d3
divu.l d0,d2
divu.l d1,d3
move.w d0,d4
subq.w #1,d4
move.w d1,d5
subq.w #1,d5
moveq.l #0,d7
move.w d4,d6
moveq.l #0,d0
move.l d7,d1
lsr.l #8,d1
mulu.w #160,d1
lea (a0,d1.l),a4
move.l d0,d1
lsr.l #8,d1
move.b (a4,d1.l),(a1)+
add.l d2,d0
dbra d6,compute_scaling_x
add.l d3,d7
dbra d5,compute_scaling_y
bra.w data_scaling_exit
; scaling (320 x b)
scaling_320xb: cmp.w #144,d1
beq.w scaling_320x144
cmp.w #288,d1
beq.w scaling_320x288
move.l #144*256,d3
divu.l d1,d3
move.w d1,d5
subq.w #1,d5
moveq.l #0,d7
move.l pen_conversion_table,a6
moveq.l #160/2-1,d6
move.l d7,d1
lsr.l #8,d1
mulu.w #160,d1
lea (a0,d1.l),a4
moveq.l #0,d0
move.w (a4)+,d0
move.w (a6,d0.l*2),d0
lsl.l #8,d0
lsr.w #8,d0
move.l d0,d1
lsl.l #8,d0
or.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(a1)+
dbra d6,compute_scaling_320_x
add.l d3,d7
dbra d5,compute_scaling_320_y
bra.w data_scaling_exit
; scaling (320 x 144)
scaling_320x144:subq.w #1,d1
move.l pen_conversion_table,a6
moveq.l #160/2-1,d6
moveq.l #0,d0
move.w (a0)+,d0
move.w (a6,d0.l*2),d0
lsl.l #8,d0
lsr.w #8,d0
move.l d0,d2
lsl.l #8,d0
or.l d2,d0
move.l d0,(a1)+
dbra d6,compute_scaling_320x144_x
dbra d1,compute_scaling_320x144_y
bra.w data_scaling_exit
; scaling (320 x 288)
scaling_320x288:move.w #144-1,d1
move.l pen_conversion_table,a6
moveq.l #160/2-1,d6
moveq.l #0,d0
move.w (a0)+,d0
move.w (a6,d0.l*2),d0
lsl.l #8,d0
lsr.w #8,d0
move.l d0,d2
lsl.l #8,d0
or.l d2,d0
move.l d0,(a1)
move.l d0,320(a1)
addq.l #4,a1
dbra d6,compute_scaling_320x288_x
add.l #320,a1
dbra d1,compute_scaling_320x288_y
move.l game_scale_array,a2
move.l wzonka_game_x,d2
move.l wzonka_game_y,d3
subq.w #1,d2
subq.w #1,d3
no_data_scaling:bsr.w convert_array_pens
move.l game_array,a2
move.l #159,d2
move.l #143,d3
move.l game_array,a2
move.l #159,d2
move.l #143,d3
; output the data
; d2 = output x.
; d3 = y.
; a2 = input array.
output_the_data:move.l wzonka_ptr,a0
move.l wd_RPort(a0),a0
; output the data - rest
; d2 = output x.
; d3 = y.
; a0 = output rastport.
; a2 = input array.
moveq.l #0,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
cmp.l #FALSE,output_cyber_status
beq.s no_cyber_routines
tst.l cyber_base
bne.s use_cyber_routines
move.l graphics_base,a6
move.l game_output_tmp_rast_port,a1
jsr WritePixelArray8(a6)
move.l cyber_base,a6
move.l a0,a1
addq.w #1,d2
addq.w #1,d3
move.w d2,d5
move.w d3,d6
move.l a2,a0
moveq.l #0,d3
moveq.l #0,d4
move.l #RECTFMT_LUT8,d7
jsr WritePixelArray(a6)
; convert array pens
cnop 0,4
move.l game_array,a3
move.l pen_conversion_table,a4
move.w #160*144/2/8-1,d6
moveq.l #0,d7
convert_array: move.w (a3),d7
move.w (a4,d7.l*2),(a3)+
move.w (a3),d7
move.w (a4,d7.l*2),(a3)+
move.w (a3),d7
move.w (a4,d7.l*2),(a3)+
move.w (a3),d7
move.w (a4,d7.l*2),(a3)+
move.w (a3),d7
move.w (a4,d7.l*2),(a3)+
move.w (a3),d7
move.w (a4,d7.l*2),(a3)+
move.w (a3),d7
move.w (a4,d7.l*2),(a3)+
move.w (a3),d7
move.w (a4,d7.l*2),(a3)+
dbra d6,convert_array
; output a screen
screen_screen: tst.l cyber_base
bne.w cyber_screen
tst.b gb_buffer_no
bne.s zscreen_II
zscreen_I: move.l gb_bmap_I,a2
move.b #1,gb_buffer_no
move.l gb_bmap_II,a0
bra.s zscreen
zscreen_II: move.l gb_bmap_II,a2
clr.b gb_buffer_no
move.l gb_bmap_I,a0
zscreen: lea bm_Planes(a0),a0 ;to bitmaps.
move.l (a0),bitmap_bg
move.l 8(a0),bitmap_spc
move.l gb_screen_ptr,a0
lea sc_ViewPort(a0),a0
move.l vp_RasInfo(a0),a1
move.w bg_scroll_x+2,d0
add.w #8,d0
move.w bg_scroll_y+2,d1
add.w #16,d1
tst.b old_refresh ;mode 144/144?
bne.s use_these_values
moveq.l #0,d0
moveq.l #0,d1
move.w d0,ri_RxOffset(a1)
move.w d1,ri_RyOffset(a1)
move.l a2,ri_BitMap(a1)
move.l graphics_base,a6
jsr ScrollVPort(a6)
tst.b os_screen_speed_limit
beq.s no_speed_limit
jsr WaitTOF(a6)
no_speed_limit: rts
; cybergraphics screen
cyber_screen: bsr.w read_pixels_and_scale
move.l gb_screen_ptr,a0 ;the screen.
lea sc_RastPort(a0),a0
bra.w output_the_data_rest